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Wilmington > Jobs > Office Admin, Customer Service > Administrative Clerk - Bookkeeping Services Training

Administrative Clerk - Bookkeeping Services Training

Wilmington, NC • 08/31/2007

Bookkeeping Professionals are needed in Wilmington Time for Suite

Drop By and See Us at Wilmington - Wilmington only limited opportunites.

Did You Know? Do's & Don'ts: A candidate who can answer questions in a way which is acceptable, but not necessarily right, to the interviewer, someone who knows something about their potential employers business and the post they hope to fill. These are really the basic components of any candidate who 'interviews well'. There are undoubtedly other aspects employers may look for in relation to specific posts - having their own ideas, thinking on their feet, aspects which will be related to the job and to the company's preference in employees.

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Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Wilmington, NC

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